Bradley Screening LLC Drug Testing

Pre-Employment Drug Screening

We offer Pre-Employment Drug Screening that includes:

  • Pre-Employment
  • Random
  • DOT and Non-DOT
  • EBT/BAT Alcohol Testing
  • Random Generator
  • Onsite Drug Screening
  • MRO Provided
  • Instant Drug Screens: Lab Corp, Quest, CRL and Form fox

EScreen and Bradley Screening

Bradley Screening is an approved EScreen provider. Through EScreen, we have access to over 4,000 locations. EScreen is web-based program management that allows us to offer higher quality service to our customers.

We offer the following services and benefits for pre-employment screening with EScreen:

  • Rapid drug test results in real time (so you can make offers to first-choice candidates more quickly)
  • Paperless drug test collections
  • Built-in reports and management tools
  • Online drug test scheduling
  • Immediate notification of expired events and no-show donors
  • Tracking and status monitoring of all employee drug screenings
  • Management of both regulated and non-regulated test events

We are proud to serve our local community and walk-ins alongside National accounts who have access to EScreen results in 15 minutes or less.

Escreen and Bradley Screening

Forensic Drug Screens

  • 10 Panel
  • Amphetamines
  • Cocaine
  • Barbiturates
  • PCP
  • Opitates
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cannabinoids
  • Methaqualone
  • Methadone
  • Propxyphene


These are to be used for Federally regulated industries. Special seven-part requisition and chain of custody is required. Reports must be sent to a Medical Review Officer (MRO). 

Hair -5 to 15 Panel

How It Works

The hair specimen can detect drugs used over several months. If the head of hair is not 1/12 in. long, facilities will take body hair from the arm or legs.  Disadvantages include the test inability to detect drug use with in the last 3-7 days. It takes that long for the hair to metabolize to be embedded into the hair. 

Hair specimen testing may not be to effective for monitoring compliance on a regular basis. The reason is that the hair cannot discriminate between a recent drug use and use that occurred earlier. Bradley Screening is able to help you determine the best testing for your needs. We offer: 

  • Standard
  • Amphetamines
  • Cocaine
  • Opiates
  • PCP
  • Marijuana

We make sure that your Drug and Alcohol program is compliant with Federal requirements. You can trust us to get the job done right. Contact Us and get started today! 

Department of Transportation

Drug testing to meet certain criteria that includes: 

  • Client mandated
  • Employer mandated
  • All drug test certified MRO reviewed
  • Paperless chain of custody available
  • Paper chain of custody available
  • Collectors DOT certified
  • On site collections is available
  • (BAT) Alcohol Test (measures alcohol concentration in the breath) 

These devices have met the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations specifications. We test for: 

  • 5 Panel     
  • Amphetamines
  • Cocaine
  • PCP
  • Cannabinoids
  • Opiates


Here we test for those not federally regulated. Mainly, NON-DOT test is instant drug screen ranging from 5 to 12 panel. We also provide lab-based NON-DOT test in which the specimen is collected and tested by an MRO (Medical Review Officer) at a certified lab.

  • Amphetamines
  • Cocaine
  • PCPCannabinoids
  • Opiates
  • 5 & 10 Panel Instant
  • 5 & 10 Panel Lab Based 
  • 5 & 10 Panel Hair Follicle
  • Hair Follicle up to 15 Drugs

What is NCIS™?

NCIS™ is powerful, high-speed multi-jurisdictional search of our proprietary databases compiled from multiple sources consisting of court records, incarceration records, prison/inmate records, probation/parole/release information, arrest data wants and warrants and/or other proprietary sources.

It incorporates our unique, proprietary similarity and probability scoring methodologies, overcoming obstacles such as misspelling and punctuation, transposition and applicant fraud. The end result is enhanced clarity and increased precision, which saves you time and strengthens the quality of your overall background screening.

Each NCIS ™search includes the Offender Scan™ 50- state sex offender screening, Sentinel™ terrorist watch list report and ICE™ Innovative Criminal Extraction™, our proprietary database derived from millions of historical searches. NCIS™ may be ordered as a multi- jurisdictional search or may be limited to a single state.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Quick Can We Get Drug Test Results?

Instantly in most cases. If it must go to the lab it would be two to three days.


What are Your Testing Methods?

Instant and Lab based.


What Drugs Does the Test Pickup?

It depends on which drug test you choose.


Can You do a Random Drug Test for Us?

Yes, we are set up to do random here at the office or on site.


Do You Guys Offer Hair Follicle Testing?

Yes, we do both the 5 and 10 panel test.

How Will We Get the Results of a Drug Test?

They can be emailed to the company or given to the customer.

What are the Differences Between Some of Your Drug Tests?

Some are instant, lab based or hair test. Hair is top of the line, but it cost more.

What if I am Taking a Prescription From a Doctor, Will it Affect My Results?

If the test picks it up, you need a prescription from your doctor.

What Does the Drug Test Look For?

The five panel is mostly for street drugs. The 10 panel is street drugs with some prescriptions added. If we send it to the lab we can add any drug that is not included on the regular 10 panel. We can also add alcohol.

How Much Does a Drug Test Cost?

The cost is $25.00 and up, depending on which test is used.

What is the Difference in The Different Drug Tests We Give?

DOT is Federal Regulated and non-DOT are not regulated.

If The Test Goes to The Lab, How Long Does it Take to Get The Results?

Two to three days, if everything looks good.

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